Access and about CASE ARCHIVES
What is in a Case Archive?
Each Case Archive provides a compressed DICOM Zip file and Expert Report.
Once downloaded to your computer, unzip the folder and load the datasets into your preferred DICOM reader or CMR workstation software.
You can then analyse them and compare to the Expert Reports, which were curated by a group of ANZCMR members, all Level 3 experts.
These can count as 'Library Cases' towards your CMR Certification. Please refer to the RANZCR/CSANZ Position Statement and follow the requirements as below:"
Library Case: is a previously acquired cardiac MRI dataset, which is reviewed using dedicated cardiac MRI software, including full technical analysis of datasets under the direct supervision of a Senior Supervisor (as defined below). Note: cases reviewed without a senior supervisor or presented at a multi-disciplinary meeting, or case presentation sessions, do not count as a library case, and instead would count towards the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points of the relevant parent body".